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Experienced Concrete Professionals

Your Trusted Manitowoc, WI Concrete Company

For over 45 years, our local, family-owned concrete company in Manitowoc, WI has delivered exceptional results to residential, commercial, and industrial clients. Seiler Brothers Construction specializes in quality craftsmanship and personalized service, taking pride in our ability to exceed expectations on every project. Whether it’s a backyard patio, a commercial foundation, or industrial concrete work, we bring expertise and dedication to every job. Trust us to handle your concrete needs with precision and care.

Our Comprehensive Concrete Services

At Seiler Brothers Construction, we offer a wide range of concrete solutions tailored to meet the needs of our varied clients. No matter the scope or complexity of the project, our skilled team brings exceptional craftsmanship and expertise to every job. Explore our specialized offerings that are designed to provide durable and visually appealing results, including:

Residential Concrete
Commercial Concrete
Industrial Concrete
Unique Concrete Designs
A construction worker paving the sidewalk with concrete

Committed to You Through the Decades

Since opening our doors over 45 years ago, we have built a reputation rooted in integrity, superior workmanship, and strong customer relationships. Each project reflects our established values – attention to detail, reliability, and respect for your time and budget. Our professional team genuinely cares about delivering outstanding results while ensuring your experience is hassle-free. In every job we complete, we aim to reinforce the trust our clients place in us, creating a foundation for lasting partnerships.

Get Started on Your Concrete Project Today

Bring your vision to life with your local concrete company, Seiler Brothers Construction. Whether you need a sleek patio, a strong foundation, or a custom design, we are here to deliver exceptional results tailored to your needs. Contact us to schedule a free estimate, over the phone or at your location. Our professional team is ready to give you detailed guidance and reliable solutions for any project, big or small. Reach out today and take the first step toward creating durable, beautiful concrete features that stand the test of time.

Seiler Brothers Construction

4511 East Whitetail Court
Manitowoc, WI 54220


Hours of Operation
Open 24 Hours